Nutrition and Wellness Coaching

An excellent nutrition programme, and if necessary biochemical testing and supplementation, plus an in-depth understanding of psychological and emotional components are key to supporting health and wholeness.

I firmly believe that when it comes to our health and well-being we need to take an holistic approach and look at it from all angles. Further more while there are very definitely principles involved, 'one size does not fit all' , when it comes to our health whether it is our mental, physical, emotional or spiritual. We are all individuals.

Good nutrition and exercise cannot be underestimated when it comes to the prevention and management of both serious and/or diagnosed and undiagnosed conditions . Good nutrition can reduce inflammation, which is a major driver in most disease conditions including gut disturbances, mental cognition and chronic pain . Good nutrition is the foundation for physical , mental and emotional health. The body is made up of many complex pathways that all interact with one another and making sure that we get the essential nutrients needed so they can function at their best is at the heart of nutritional coaching . We all have unique needs and we are all different but all conditions can be supported with the right nutrition tailored specifically for you . Correct nutrition can even help healing and rejuvenation at a cellular level within the body

Over the course of my practice I have had the pleasure of seeing clients transform their health, mentally and physically by making the necessary changes in their lifestyles and diets and I would love to help you to do the same.

The top 10 benefits of correct nutrition can be:

  • Improved energy and personal productivity

  • Improved concentration and mood

  • Being able to handle stress more effectively

  • A strengthened immune system and protection from colds and infections

  • Healthy digestive function

  • Weight loss or gain with increased fitness

  • Protection of your circulatory and cardiovascular health

  • To help balance and improve hormones

  • Improve hair and skin

  • To support the body and mind through an eating disorder

  • To help with other inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and difficult skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis

a white plate topped with a salad covered in shrimp
a white plate topped with a salad covered in shrimp