Please leave me a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible.


Sessions are available by arrangement during the week from 9am to 5pm

Out of hours appointments can be arranged, subject to availability. These include evenings (until 8.00pm) and weekends, any of which will be charged at an additional £20.00 per session.

Number of sessions: Human Givens therapy is fast, effective and long-lasting. Research show that more than 3 in 4 clients were either symptom free or significantly recovered in an average of only 3.6 sessions.*

Many people experience changes from the very first session. Some people with more complex difficulties may however require more than the more typical 4-6 sessions. My intention is always to work with you to achieve the outcomes you want in as short a time frame as possible – and to give you the tools and knowledge to deal confidently with any future challenges.

*Research published in: Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice

For nutrition and wellness coaching and coaching in general the number of sessions is entirely up to your requirements and this can be discussed at your first session. As with psychotherapy and counselling you are under no obligation to continue with sessions any longer than you wish.


Therapy for individuals …….£85 per hour

Coaching for individuals …..£85 per hour

Therapy for Couples …….£120 per hour


You will be emailed an invoice immediately after your session ( or before if you prefer ) . Payment should be made by Bank Transfer.